Answered By: Team ERM
Last Updated: Feb 28, 2025     Views: 6

EBSCOhost has launched a new User Interface (UI) for all EBSCOhost databases. UOW will be migrated to the new UI in late Jun / early July 2025.  Unfortunately, EBSCO will no longer provide access to some folders in your MyEBSCO Account on New UI, please review your saved items as soon as possible by following these steps.

After 31st May 2025, you won’t be able to access any MyEBSCO Accounts created before 1st Feb 2025. You will only have access to your MyEBSCO account created via Single Sign-On (SSO).

To ensure seamless and fast access to your existing saved searches and items, please firstly follow the “Merge Account” steps to merge your previously created MyEBSCO Accounts into the MyEBSCO Account crated via SSO as soon as you can.

After your account is merged successfully by EBSCO, you can edit, and update saved searches and items in your MyEBSCO Account while accessing any EBSCO resources from the Library SERACH or the A-Z Database list


To Review saved items in MyEBSCO Account Folders:

  1. On the EBSCOhost interface, select the “Folder” from top right menu bard to open and view your MyEBSCO Account.
  2. All folders in your MyEBSCO Account are displayed on the left-hand side of the screen.
  3. There are three main sections/folders: My Folder, My Custom and Shared By.
    IMPROTANT: From late Jun 2025, UOW is transitioning to EBSCOs new User Interface and EBSCO will be removing access to items and folders saved in the My Custom section. Please review all your saved items in My Custom section and move any items that you would like to keep into My Folder section.
  4. To move a saved item from My Custom to My Folder:
    Find and view the saved items from My Custom, firstly select the items, then select “Move To” and select “My Folder”.

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